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AAHA @The Movies July 25th

Located At:
Afro-American Historical Association Of Fauquier County
4243 Loudoun Avenue
The Plains VA 20198

We are happy to announce that during the summer, on four Tuesdays, we are planning to show movies in our auditorium, on AAHA’s lower level, designed for youth but interesting to adults as well. Our interns, Madison Canterbury and Emily Nolan, are selecting stories from our archives that tell of African Americans and events of history under the theme of African American Resistance, which is the 2023 theme for African American History month. Their lengths vary from 30-60 minutes.

Admission is free, but donations are always welcome.

(Please note, times may vary)

Movie Name: March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed The World (G)
Age Group: 5-10 Summary: (69 mins)

March On: Dr. King’s sister tells her brothers story about when he was going to deliver his “I Have a Dream” speech. Rosa: Tells the story about Rosa Park and her refusal to give up her seat and the impact it on history and other people. Martin’s Big Words: Examines Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and the famous words that allowed him to help other African Americans. Henry’s Freedom Box: Explains the story behind Henry Box Brown and how he was mailed to freedom.

Movie Name: The March: The Story of the Greatest March in American History (PG)
Age Group: 10+ Summary: (60 mins)

This documentary examines the March on Washington and the individuals and events behind this historical event. Furthermore, it documents the fundraising and organizing moves made by Martin Luther King Jr. and others.

Hosted by Emily Nolan & Madison Canterbury

July 18

AAHA @The Movies July 18th

August 1

AAHA @The Movies August 1st